Saturday, September 26, 2009


What is money??? Why does everyone looking for money, and why is money so important? Money is a medium of exchange in the form of coins and banknotes. With money, we can have lots of things, for instance, we can buy a house, a car, enjoy good food, enjoy life, help others who is in need, etc.

But why everyone is looking at money so importantly??? Everyone is working so hard day and night, 5 days a week, overtime during the weekend, for what? Definitely it's for money!!! Because without money, you will not have the extras to enjoy, and some people work hard just to make ends meet. Thus, work hard for money everyday seems to be the right thing to do.

However, some people neglected their family, their significant half, and their friends, just to work hard for more and more money. Is money so important that family, partners, and friends can be ignored? Is money everything? Can we buy family with money? The answer is no! We could use money to buy a house, but not home! We could use money to buy a clock, but not time! Money isn't everything! No doubt that money is important, but it doesn't represent everything.

Thus equilibrium is of utmost important. We must work hard to earn more money, but not to neglect our families as well. It is not easy to achieve such balance though, as many people tend to work too hard for money and sometimes it's too late for us to appreciate our family. So, remember! Money is not everything! Appreciate your family while you still can!

1 comment:

  1. 钱不是万能,但没有钱就万万不能。。哈哈~
